The Wörlitz Landscape Park is the first and largest part of the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom. It is the prelude and the artistic climax of a unique program of beautification of the country and improvement of life that Prince Franz wanted to achieve in his principality. He is thus considered the epitome of the Enlightenment in Germany.

But the charming castles outside the park are also worth a visit. For example, the baroque garden of Oranienbaum Castle impresses with lush splendor, especially in summer. The English-Chinese section of the garden, the only one of its kind preserved in Germany, is adorned by a five-story pagoda, the Chinese House, and several arched bridges.

Wörlitz Information
Förstergasse 26
06785 Oranienbaum-Wörlitz

Phone:034905 31009


City information Oranienbaum
Castle road 17
06785 Oranienbaum-Wörlitz

Phone:034904 22520



An unforgettable day in Oranienbaum-Wörlitz

Schloss, Wörlitz © WelterbeRegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Uwe Weigel, 2020 (2)


Wörlitz Castle

Register at the Garden Kingdom Information Office in the kitchen building at Wörlitz Castle for the guided tour of Wörlitz Park 1:00 pm. During the subsequent tour of Wörlitz Castle, you will experience the largely original interior of the imposing castle.


9,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard you get a free guided tour of the castle (first floor).

Gondelfahrt Wörlitzer Park, Wörlitz © WelterbeRegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Uwe Weigel, 2020 (3)

11:15 a.m.

Gondola ride on the Wörlitz Lake

On a gondola ride you can enjoy the Wörlitz Palace Park, which was created in several stages over decades, from the water.


12,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard free gondola tour.

Wlritz Ziegler


Lunch at Ziegler's

Indulge in a tasty Garden Kingdom aperitif or dessert lunch menu at Ziegler’s Restaurant.


6,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard you get an aperitif or a dessert with your ordered meal for free. However, lunch is not a benefit of the World HeritageCard.

Wörlitz Muschelsucherin am See im Herbst-links


Park tour

With the Wörlitz Park, Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz of Anhalt-Dessau created a synthesis of the arts that charmingly unites garden design and architecture. During the two-hour park tour you will learn a lot of interesting facts.



With the World HeritageCard, the public park tour is free (April 1-Oct. 31, daily 1 p.m., not for groups).



Free use of all ferries through the park.


1,00 EUR

Holders of the World HeritageCard can use each ferry in the Wörlitz Landscape Park for a one-time crossing.

Schloss, Oranienbaum © WelterbeRegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Uwe Weigel, 2020 (2)


Oranienbaum Castle

Continue to Oranienbaum, 7 kilometers away. Enjoy an approximately one-hour guided tour of the Dutch-influenced Oranienbaum Castle.


9,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard you get a free guided tour of the castle.

TabakCollegium Oranienbaum



A short detour into the long tradition of growing and producing tobacco is offered by the TobaccoCollegium, located directly at the castle, with inviting Chesterfieldsofas.


3,50 EUR

With the World HeritageCard you get free admission.


The 24-hour World HeritageCard loses its validity at 09:59 the next day.


48,50 EUR

World HeritageCard 24 hours

24,90 EUR

You save per person

23,60 EUR

Further tour suggestions of the World HeritageCard

Not far from Oranienbaum-Wörlitz, the Bauhaus town of Dessau awaits you with over 300 Bauhaus buildings, including the famous university building, the Masters’ Houses and the new Bauhaus Museum. The Lutherstadt Wittenberg and the unique “city of iron” Ferropolis are also in the immediate vicinity. Thus, the city and its surroundings leave little to be desired for lovers of culture and nature.

Discovery tours

UNESCO-World Heritage

Only in Dessau can you visit the original sites and Bauhaus buildings or eat in the refectory and spend the night in the studio building as the Bauhäusler once did. In addition, the Bauhaus Museum Dessau presents the second largest Bauhaus collection in the world.

UNESCO-World Heritage

Luther and the Reformation

Lutherstadt Wittenberg is considered THE world-renowned Luther city. Here, guests are welcome to walk in the footsteps of Luther and his companions in the castle and town church, the Luther House and the Melanchthon House.


In the realm of industrial culture

This tour takes you on a journey through a fascinating structural change from a former industrial area to unique cultural and recreational landscapes and shows you milestones of industrial history.

Europaradweg R1

By bike through the World Heritage Region!

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