UNESCO World Heritage Tour
“Luther | Bauhaus | Garden Kingdom | Elbe”

Experience world history at the original sites of the Reformation in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. In Dessau, visitors learn how the Bauhaus revolutionized artistic and architectural thinking worldwide and laid a crucial foundation for modernism. In contrast, in the Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, the gardens and palaces with their valuable art collections have remained unchanged for more than 200 years.

Discover three of our four unique UNESCO World Heritage Sites in this region within a radius of only 35 kilometers on this 3-day UNESCO World Heritage Tour – unique in Germany! Nestled in the beautiful UNESCO Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve…

World Heritage Region / WelterbeRegion
Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg e.V.
Neustraße 13
06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Tel: 03491 402610
Fax: 03491 405857
E-mail: info@anhalt-dessau-wittenberg.de

Website: www.luther-bauhaus-gartenreich.de


Day 1
Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Audio_Guide_TI Wittenberg_Touren


City tour Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Wittenberg’s Castle Church, Luther House and Melanchthon House: Start your discovery tour through the old town of Lutherstadt Wittenberg, on your own with an audio guide, which you can get at the Tourist Information. The audio guide provides interesting information about all the sights.


8,00 EUR

World HeritageCard users receive the audio guide free of charge.



Castle Church

Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg in 1517. Today, Luther’s and Melanchthon’s graves can be visited inside the church.


3,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard you get access to the castle church without paying the preservation fee.




Christian Art Foundation

The Foundation of Christian Art Wittenberg is in possession ofa top-class collection of original graphics with religious-existentialist content by internationally knownartists from the 20th century to the present day and is located directly at the Schlosskirche.


5,00 EUR

Free admission to the exhibition.


10:30 a.m.

Melanchthon House

The Melanchthon House is considered one of the most beautiful town houses in the city of Wittenberg. On a tour you can explore the life and everyday life of Martin Luther’s faithful companion.


5,00 EUR

Free admission with the World HeritageCard.

Lutherhaus Wittenberg

11:30 a.m.

Luther House

The nearby Luther House served as the home of the reformer Martin Luther, and here he lectured to students from all over Europe.

Tip: Use the World HeritageCard to visit the free children’s exhibition in the Luther House.


8,00 EUR

Admission is free with the World HeritageCard.

Luther-Hotel Wittenberg


Lunch at von Bora Restaurant

Our tip: Lunch at the von Bora Restaurant by Luther-Hotel located directly at the beautiful Luther House. When you order a main course, you will receive a free homemade lemonade with your lunch dish.


3,00 EUR

When ordering a main course, you will receive a homemade lemonade (0.25 l) according to the daily offer free of charge with the lunch dish. The main course is not included in the discount.

Asisi Panorama außen, Lutherstadt Wittenberg © WelterbeRegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Uwe Weigel, 2020


Asisi Panorama "Luther 1517

Visit Yadegar Asisi’s panorama “Luther 1517” to get a city view of Wittenberg 500 years ago.


13,00 EUR

Admission is free with the World HeritageCard. Public guided tours daily 11:00 & 14:00

DEU/Sachsen-Anhalt / (©  Elberadweg Süd)
Elberadweg in Wittenberg


Cranach houses

In Wittenberg’s Cranach Houses, the Cranach Foundation displays the rich work of the famous family of painters in a historic setting.


5,00 EUR

Admission is free with the World HeritageCard.


Historische Stadtinformation


Municipal collections

In the “Historical City Information”, the monastery church was recreated as a structural illusion. In a vivid light presentation, the visitors are introduced to the the period of the 12th-15th centuries. The reopened permanent exhibition of the municipal collections in the Museum im Zeughaus looks back on more than 700 years of city history.


7,00 EUR

Admission is free with the World HeritageCard.


18:15 - 19:00

Paint kitchen

For a very different way to engage with the city’s world heritage, check out the Paint Kitchen. While making the colors from surprising ingredients, you learn backgrounds and stories about the city.


4,50 EUR

With the World HeritageCard free 45-min. Colored World Heritage Workshop. Thursdays 6:15 pm – 7 pm without appointment. Nov. until March with registration.
Other dates on request.

Wittenberg Schwarzer Bär

Our overnight tip

Ring Hotel "Black Baer

Start your tour in the middle of the old town of Wittenberg at the Ringhotel “Schwarzer Baer end comfortably in the garden of the hotel. With the World HeritageCard you will receive an attractive discount on a bottle of “Luther Wine 1522”.


5,00 EUR

World HeritageCard users receive a 5.00 EUR discount on a bottle of “Luther Wine 1522” (total price 12.50 EUR)

Day 2

Meisterhäuser, Dessau © WelterbeRegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Uwe Weigel, 2020 (2)


Master house settlement

Visit the Meisterhaussiedlung, where Walter Gropius, Lyonel Feininger, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee and many more once lived with their families.


9,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard you get free admission.



Kurt Weill Center

In the Kurt-Weill Center in the Feiningerhaus you will receive a music box with the September song as a souvenir.


5,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard you will receive a music box free of charge during your visit.

Bauhaus Dessau_300x300


Bauhaus building Dessau

Walter Gropius’ university building, built in 1926, is an icon of modernism and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996.

Tip. One-hour tours of the building take place daily at 11:00 and 14:00.


9,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard you get free admission to the Bauhaus building

Aussenansicht Glasfassade Vorderseite mit Bäumen des Bauhaus Museum Dessau am 16. August 2019 in Dessau-Rosslau, Saxony Anhalt, Germany


Bauhaus Museum Dessau

In the new Bauhaus Museum Dessau you can marvel at the second largest Bauhaus collection in the world.


9,00 EUR

Free admission with the World HeritageCard.

Our overnight tip and conclusion of the day:

Projektfotos, WelterbeRegion Ersteller Uwe Weigel-0046


Cycling tour to the Garden Kingdom

Get a free rental bike when booking at least one night in the City Pension Dessau and explore the beautiful Dessau castles Luisium and Mosigkau by bike – parts of the famous Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom.


10,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard free rental of a bike when booking an overnight stay.

Day 3
Wörlitz & Oranienbaum

Schloss, Wörlitz © WelterbeRegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Uwe Weigel, 2020 (2)


Wörlitz Castle

Our tip: Start your tour at the Garden Kingdom Information Center located at the palace and register for the guided tour of Wörlitz Park at 1:00 pm. During the tour of Wörlitz Castle you will experience the largely original interior design.


9,00 EUR

With the World Heritage you get free admission.

Gondelfahrt Wörlitzer Park, Wörlitz © WelterbeRegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Uwe Weigel, 2020 (3)


Gondola ride

On a gondola ride you can enjoy the magnificent view over Lake Wörlitz.


12,00 EUR

Free ride with the World HeritageCard.

Wlritz Ziegler


Lunch at Ziegler's

Treat yourself to a lunch menu at Ziegler’s Restaurant while enjoying a tasty Garden Kingdom aperitif.


6,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard guests receive an aperitif or a dessert with the main course. Lunch is not included in the World HeritageCard.

Wörlitz Muschelsucherin am See im Herbst-links

13:00 - 15:00

Park tour

With the Wörlitz Park, Prince Leopold III Friedrich Franz of Anhalt-Dessau created a synthesis of the arts that charmingly unites garden design and architecture. During the two-hour park tour you will learn a lot of interesting facts.


8,00 EUR

Admission is free with the World HeritageCard. Not for groups.


Wörlitz Park ferry ride

During the park tour you will also use the ferries in Wörlitz Park.


1,00 EUR

With the World HeritageCard you can use any ferry for one crossing free of charge.

Schloss, Oranienbaum © WelterbeRegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Uwe Weigel, 2020 (2)


Oranienbaum Castle

Continue to Oranienbaum, 7 kilometers away. Enjoy an approximately one-hour guided tour of the Dutch-influenced Oranienbaum Castle. Afterwards, it is worth visiting the English-Chinese garden with Chinese house and pagoda located at the castle. This is freely accessible.


9,00 EUR

Admission is free with the World HeritageCard.

TabakCollegium Oranienbaum


TobaccoCollegium at the Castle

A short detour into the long tradition of growing and producing tobacco is offered by the TobaccoCollegium, located directly at the castle, with inviting Chesterfieldsofas. There is also a museum store in the castle complex.


3,50 EUR

Admission is free with the World HeritageCard.


143,00 EUR

World HeritageCard 3 days

44,90 EUR

You save per person

98,10 EUR

More tour suggestions with the World HeritageCard

You will get to know even more art and culture on our tours through the Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz. In the castles of Oranienbaum, Mosigkau, Luisium and Wörlitz, those interested in culture will learn many interesting facts. In contrast, travelers walk in the footsteps of the Reformation and Martin Luther in the Lutherstadt Wittenberg.

Castles, parks and lakes

UNESCO World Heritage Site

24 hours in Wörlitz Park

A visit to the history-steeped classic is a must in the World Heritage Region! Discover the Wörlitz Park on a detailed and intensive tour.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

24 hours Lutherstadt Wittenberg

With our World HeritageCard, guests visit the sites of the great reformer Martin Luther and his followers for free!

Europaradweg R1

The R1 runs for more than 260 kilometers from the Lower Saxony state border in the west across Saxony-Anhalt to Brandenburg. Discover no less than 4 UNESCO World Heritage Sites along the bike path.

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